The Family Behind the RipClip

What's up?! I'm JT, an Ocean Engineer and surfer here in San Diego. My wife, Ali, would always mention that I had too many surfboards stacked in the corner of our room and that they were taking up too much space in our small apartment. 

So, this left me with two options: 
#1 Sell some of beloved surfboards or 
#2 Figure out a space-saving storage solution.

I began to brainstorm ideas for how I can quickly and conveniently hang my surfboards, without damaging the fragile fiberglass, while keeping my fins and leash intact. After over 20 designs, 6 prototypes and 1 year of testing, I came up with the RipClip. This not only solved my initial problem of saving space but also solved other issues such as preventing my boards from getting wax on each other and dinging my tails on the floor.

Now, Ali is happy that we have more space and I am happy that I get to have as many surfboards as I want!

We are a family-owned startup and we appreciate all of you who continue to support our small business. Happy Hanging!

-JT, Ali, and baby Autumn